Contour and Shape your Body

Woman lying on a massage table smiling

Fat & Cellulite Reduction

Reach your body goals with this exciting treatment, designed specifically to reduce the size of localised fat deposits on the body, ultimately dissolving unwanted fat. This treatment is a great alternative to costly and invasive surgical techniques such as liposuction. It involves our Nurse Practitioner injecting lipolysis dissolution solution into the treatment area to help break down fat and destroy the fat cells. The broken-down fat is then metabolised by the body, turned into energy, is used by the muscles, or is excreted in the form of bile in the digestive process. It essentially “melts” away.

This treatment is best suited to target areas with stubborn pockets of fat, rather than to shrink the entire body or as a means of weight management. It’s perfect for double chins, bra rolls, “love handles” and tummy rolls. However, it is not an alternative to eating a nutritious diet and exercise. 

Book a complimentary consultation today to discuss your areas of concern and see if Lipodissolve is the right solution for you.

  • Lipodissolve is a relatively quick and simple procedure. You will have a thorough pre-treatment consultation, including “before” photos, followed by cleansing and treatment of the area. To avoid discomfort, we add lignocaine to the product, as well as apply an anesthetic cream prior to treatment.

    Usually, you will reach your goal within 3 to 4 treatments per area, but more treatments can be done if required for more reduction, or to target larger volumes. Each area needs 6 to 8 weeks of “rest” for the fat-dissolving process to complete, but other areas can be treated during this time. A longer interval between treatments will not reduce the effectiveness.

  • We recommend avoiding medications and supplements that promote bruising, such as garlic, anti-inflammatories, gingko, vitamin E, and fish oil prior to your treatments.

  • You can expect some bruising, swelling and tenderness post-treatment, which can last up to 2 weeks. The treatment requires no downtime, but we do recommend that minimal activities be planned for the rest of the day after treatment as it may be a bit uncomfortable to function normally.

    After 3 to 5 days post-treatment, we recommend regular massage to the area, but before this time treatment should be allowed to settle and cosmetic products to the area avoided.

  • Initial results usually become apparent after the end of the first or second treatment. It takes 6 weeks for each session to reach its full effect, with the results accumulating over time with each additional treatment.

    Generally, 3 to 4 treatments, 4 to 6 weeks apart, are recommended to achieve optimal results. The fat in the area will reduce, the skin will tighten and cellulite will improve. If you maintain your ideal weight with diet and exercise, the results should be permanent.

  • As a non-surgical procedure, avoiding the associated risks and complications including the use of sedation or general anesthetic, lipodissolve is a safe and effective way to reduce fat in stubborn areas. This treatment has been used successfully in Europe and South America for over 20 years.