Skin Treatments Tailored to You

young woman receiving microdermabrasion facial treatment


for a Gentle Glow

This treatment is safe for all skin types, instantly leaving you with brighter and smoother skin. Plus, with no downtime, microdermabrasion is a perfect lunchtime treatment to get your skin looking and feeling its best.

Microdermabrasion is a highly customisable treatment that can help with a range of skin concerns. It is especially beneficial when paired with LED light therapy. For optimal results, we recommend a minimum of 6 treatments at fortnightly or monthly intervals. Maintenance treatments are also recommended after your initial course of treatment.

Book a complimentary consult with our team to discuss a tailored microdermabrasion treatment that will leave your skin refreshed and glowing.

Fractional Skin Rejuvenation with Tixel

Tixel (Mezotix Fractional Skin Ablation) is an exciting new facial rejuvenation device that uses thermo-mechanical ablative technology to resurface, tighten and rejuvenate the skin. It is a fantastic option for treating common skin concerns, such as wrinkles, age spots and discolouration. It’s safe for all skin types, and all facial and body areas, and delivers similar results to a fractional CO2 laser, but without the pain, downtime and associated risks. 

How does it work?

The Tixel has a titanium tip with 81 tiny pyramid-shaped spikes that are heated to 400 degrees Celsius within a handpiece. This tip is momentarily pressed onto the skin in a highly accurate and systematic mechanical application. Treatments can be individualised by adjusting the depth of penetration into the skin, as well as the time duration that the tip is in contact with the skin.

It can safely be used on all areas of the body, including the face, neck, chest and hands. It is commonly used to correct saggy/excess upper and lower eyelid skin; under-eye dark circles; crow’s feet and wrinkles; brow droop; crepey skin; scars and acne scars; and skin discolouration. The results are long-lasting (provided all aftercare instructions are followed) and normal daily activities can be resumed immediately after treatment. 

Tixel treatment will regenerate and rejuvenate your skin, safely, non-invasively and effectively, in comparison to intensive lasers. 

Young woman receiving skin needling facial treatment

Skin Needling

for Smoother & Younger-Looking Skin

Dubbed the fountain of youth in a pen, this treatment will roll back the years, leaving you with glowing, smooth and younger-looking skin. 

Skin needling (aka collagen induction therapy, dermal needling, or micro-needling) is a treatment designed to improve your skin texture; smooth wrinkles and fine lines; reduce pigmentation and enlarged ports; and soften scars and stretch marks, to deliver overall skin rejuvenation.

This treatment is minimally invasive, which makes it suitable for all skin types and all areas of the face, neck, decolletage, and body. Skin needling works by making thousands of micro-punctures on the skin using an oscillating wand. The wand’s convertible speed motor has adjustable treatment depths, which allows for targeted precision that can treat multiple skin concerns within one session. The creation of micro-injuries kick-starts the body’s natural wound-healing response, which results in the production and distribution of new collagen and elastin in the skin. 

The results? Smoother, stronger, and more youthful-looking skin.

Results can take time, and we typically recommend a course of 3 to 6 treatments in order to sustain long-term results and a visible skin solution. Some people will see an improvement after just one session, however, collagen and elastin will continue to remodel for a full 12 months after treatment. A program of skin needling treatments combined with at-home skincare will deliver the best results, so chat with one of our team members today about a complete solution.

Skin Hydration Treatments

Timeless Treatments offer a range of Hydration Injectable treatments that are designed to rejuvenate photodamaged skin, restore hydration and improve the elasticity of your skin. These treatments gently and naturally smooth the skin from within by replenishing the hyaluronic acid under your skin to restore hydration.

For skin rejuvenation with Hydration Injectable treatments, we typically recommend a treatment program that is made up of 1 to 3 sessions, and this is generally required annually. But, all of our skin hydration treatments are tailored to your individual skin needs, so book a complimentary consultation today so that one of our team members can create a bespoke package for you.

Skin hydration treatments are recommended for the following treatment areas:

  • Face

  • Lips

  • Decolletage and neck

  • Hands

  • Acne scars

young woman receiving a facial treatment

Medical-Grade Peels

Medical-grade chemical peels are a versatile treatment option that can treat a range of skin conditions and leave you with healthier, brighter skin. Chemical peels work in a variety of ways to stimulate cell renewal; refine, rejuvenate, and hydrate the skin, as well as regenerate and resurface damaged skin. The purpose of a chemical peel is to remove dead skin cells that have built up over time, thereby stimulating the production of new skin cells.

At Timeless Treatments, we offer a range of different peels, from light to medium depth, using the Synergie skin peel range. Our treatments can unblock pores, tighten the skin, reduce wrinkling, reduce superficial pigmentation, and restore a more youthful appearance. Our team will be able to tailor your peel to treat your individual skin type and skin concerns. 

for Healthier, Brighter Skin

  • Light exfoliation for a smoother complexion.

    A lactic acid peel is designed to renew, brighten and resurface the skin. It is a gentle alternative to traditional glycolic peels, lightly exfoliating and hydrating the skin by dissolving dead skin cells. Lactic acid promotes cell turnover, manages skin problems, and is a potent skin hydrator. It is suitable for most skin types and is available in 10%, 20%, and 30% strengths.

  • For a cleaner, clearer complexion.

    Salicylic acid skin peels are best suited for acne-prone or congested oily skin. Salicylic is the only hydroxy acid that is oil soluble, which allows it to penetrate into clogged pores and congested skin to loosen the bonds between skin cells and promote exfoliation. This chemical peel is an excellent option for people with acne, as it helps to kill the bacteria that cause breakouts and stimulate healing. Available in 20% and 30% strengths.

  • For a clearer, smoother skin texture and colour.

    A Jessner peel is a mild to moderate chemical peel, made up of a mix of salicylic, lactic, and resorcinol acids. It is designed to remove dead layers of skin, dry out active acne, dislodge blackheads, reduce shallow wrinkling and scarring, help lighten hyper-pigmentation, and improve the overall appearance and health of sun-damaged, acne-prone or ageing skin.

    With chemical peels, how deep the peel penetrates depends on what kind of chemical peel you get - superficial, medium, or deep. The Jessner peel is typically a medium peel, which means it removes skin cells from the top layer of your skin - the epidermis - and the upper portion of the middle layer - the dermis - to reveal smoother, more even-toned skin beneath.

    With a Jessner peel, you may experience some redness, tightness and peeling afterwards, which is normal and can last up to 5 days. You should prepare to have at least 3 to 4 days of downtime after a Jessner peel.

woman receiving green light LED facial therapy treatment

LED light therapy harnesses the power of light to create the ultimate skin glow-up. By energising your cells and stimulating your skin’s natural rejuvenation and repair process, LED light therapy offers total skin rejuvenation, and reduces acne breakouts, redness, inflammation, fine lines and wrinkles, post-inflammatory scarring, and Rosacea. 

It is a pain-free, non-invasive treatment that works at a cellular level. The soothing, deep penetrating LED light targets deep into cells, heightening their internal functions, photo-stimulating dermal blood flow, and creating faster healing, giving your skin a radiant and fresh glow. 

LED Light Therapy Glow Up

  • For that post-holiday glow, in under 15 minutes.

    Yellow LED light therapy is the deepest penetrating medical-grade treatment that we offer, and is best used for wound healing and skin rejuvenation. It is perfect to use after cosmetic injections, microdermabrasion, laser skin rejuvenation, and CIT treatments to help speed up skin recovery and maximise the benefits of your treatments.

  • The ultimate acne take-down.

    Blue LED light therapy kills bacteria on the epidermis by stimulating oxygen production. This helps with the overall appearance of acne, pustules, and breakouts for fresh, silky-smooth skin.

  • Enhance your general health and beauty.

    Green LED light therapy can help improve your overall appearance, health, and general well-being. This treatment uses green LED light to boost collagen creation, lessen inflammation, and boost energy. It is also a very effective treatment for migraines and both acute and chronic pain. It is a non-invasive treatment that works on all skin types and is a great solution to enhance your general health and beauty.

  • Roll back the years with younger-looking skin.

    Red LED light therapy is known for its anti-aging effects, combating wrinkles, and increasing collagen production for smoother, younger-looking skin. The red light helps to brighten your skin and reduce the formation of pigmentation marks and age spots. It also stimulates the production of collagen, which improves skin tone and makes your skin look smoother and fuller.